


And Siegfried thought he killed Fafnir. How wrong he was…! (Artwork by Arthur Rackham. Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research. ISSN: 2342-2009

Founded in 2014, Fafnir is a World Fantasy Award-winning, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal published by The Finnish Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research. The journal provides an open-access international forum for scholarly exchanges on science fiction, fantasy, and issues current in the field. Fafnir welcomes contributions from a wide range of perspectives, and we publish two issues each year.

Articles in Fafnir are currently indexed under MLA International Bibliography and the Directory of Open-Access Journals. The journal itself is listed under the MLA Directory of Periodicals as well as the Directory of Open-Access Journals.

Fafnir has moved! Our new site and latest issue (1–2/2024) can be found at fafnir.journal.fi/. Previous issues can found in our archive.