The Issue 4/2015 of Fafnir is Now Out!

We are proud to present the fourth and last issue of Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research in the year 2015!

This issue demonstrates some of the major influences and angles of speculative fiction, such as classic Science Fiction, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the Kalevala, the Finnish national epic. At the same time, the issue is clearly multidisciplinary: the frameworks vary from ecocriticism to gender studies and from colonial thematics to mythical journeys.

We are also proud to present lectio praecursoria on the constructive mythopoetics in Tolkien’s works. In addition to this, the issue includes three literary reviews and a report from the seminar “Reconfiguring Human and Non-Human: Texts, Images and Beyond”.

Please do remember that Fafnir welcomes submissions of research articles, short overviews, academic book reviews, essays, opinion pieces and the like. See our current Call for Papers 2/2016.

The next issue is scheduled for March 2016. In the meantime, Fafnir wishes our readers merry Christmas and a happy new year!