The First Issue of Fafnir’s Second Year is Now Out!

We are proud to present the first issue of Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research in the year 2015!

This first issue of Fafnir’s second year is multilingual and focuses mainly on the works of science fiction. We are happy to publish our first peer reviewed article in Finnish, discussing The Quantum Thief, the debut novel by Finnish writer Hannu Rajaniemi. The other article included in this issue uses the tools of posthumanism and posthumanist studies to discuss the changes in the world influenced by technology.

These articles are fruits of the annual Finfar seminar, which was held in Jyväskylä, Finland, in July 2014. The issue also contains a report from the seminar, an overview of Fafnir’s first eventful year and a literary review of a recent collection discussing the classic fantasy theory of Tzvetan Todorov.

Please do remember that Fafnir welcomes submissions of research articles, short overviews, academic book reviews, essays, opinion pieces and the like. See more detailed information on our current call for papers. The issue 3/2015 will be the first Fafnir with a specific theme and it is going to focus on the history of science fiction and fantasy research in the Nordic countries.

The first year of Fafnir was a thrill – but there are still many articles and texts to be published. We hope that you are looking forward to this year as much as we do!

Remember to join Fafnir’s Facebook group!