The Issue 2/2023 of Fafnir is now out!

We are proud to present issue 2 of Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research in the year 2023! The issue can be read at Do remember that Fafnir welcomes submissions of research articles, short overviews, academic book reviews, essays, opinion pieces, and the like. Remember to also join Fafnir’s Facebook group at and follow us on Twitter at Best regards,Elizabeth Oakes, Merve Tabur, and Essi Varis, Editors-in-ChiefJari Käkelä, Reviews EditorFafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research e-mail:, email for reviews:

CFP: Fafnir 2/2024

Call for Papers: Fafnir 2/2024 Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research invites authors to submit papers for issue 2/2024. Research into any and all aspects of science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative genres is welcome from a range of disciplines. Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research is a peer-reviewed academic journal published online twice a year. Fafnir is a completely open-access, non-profit publication of the Finnish Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research (FINFAR). Fafnir publishes various texts ranging from peer-reviewed research articles to short overviews and book reviews in the field of science fiction and fantasy research. The submissions must be original works written in English, Finnish, or a…

The Issue 1/2023 of Fafnir is now out!

We are proud to present issue 1 of Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research in the year 2023! The issue can be read at Do remember that Fafnir welcomes submissions of research articles, short overviews, academic book reviews, essays, opinion pieces, and the like. Remember to also join Fafnir’s Facebook group at and follow us on Twitter at Best regards,Essi Varis, Elizabeth Oakes, and Merve Tabur, Editors-in-ChiefJari Käkelä, Reviews EditorFafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research e-mail:, email for reviews:

CFP: Fafnir 1/2024

Call for Papers: Fafnir 1/2024 Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research invites authors to submit papers for issue 1/2024. Research into any and all aspects of science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative genres is welcome from a range of disciplines. Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research is a peer-reviewed academic journal published online twice a year. Fafnir is a completely open-access, non-profit publication of the Finnish Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research (FINFAR). Fafnir publishes various texts ranging from peer-reviewed research articles to short overviews and book reviews in the field of science fiction and fantasy research. The submissions must be original works written in English, Finnish, or a…

Fafnir etsii uutta päätoimittajaa

Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Studies etsii uutta suomen kielen taitoista päätoimittajaa kolmivuotiskaudelle (2024–2026). Suomen science fiction- ja fantasiatutkimuksen seuran julkaisema, World Fantasy Award -palkinnollakin tunnustettu verkkolehtemme tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen näköalapaikan paitsi tuoreeseen spekulatiivisen fiktion tutkimukseen myös avoimen akateemisen julkaisemisen kehittämiseen. Tehtävään valittu toimii yhteistyössä kahden muun työtään jatkavan päätoimittajan, Elizabeth Oakesin ja Merve Taburin kanssa. Työskentelyn pääkieli on englanti, mutta uuden päätoimittajan on kyettävä ottamaan vastuu erityisesti lehteen tarjotusta suomenkielisestä sisällöstä. Tehtävästä ei makseta rahallista palkkiota, mutta sen voi hyvin sisällyttää osaksi apurahatyöskentelyä tai tohtoriopintoja. LEHDESTÄ Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Studies on vertaisarvioitu, monitieteinen, voittoa tavoittelematon ammattilehti, jota Suomen science fiction- ja fantasiatutkimuksen…

The Issue 2/2022 of Fafnir is now out!

We are proud to present issue 2 of Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research in the year 2022! The issue can be read at Do remember that Fafnir welcomes submissions of research articles, short overviews, academic book reviews, essays, opinion pieces, and the like. Remember to also join Fafnir’s Facebook group at and follow us on Twitter at Best regards,Essi Varis and Elizabeth Oakes, Editors-in-ChiefHanna-Riikka Roine and Michael Godhe, Guest EditorsDennis Wilson Wise, Reviews EditorFafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research e-mail:, email for reviews:

CFP: Fafnir 2/2023

Call for Papers: Fafnir 2/2023 Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research invites authors to submit papers for issue 2/2023. Research into any and all aspects of science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative genres is welcome from a range of disciplines. Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research is a peer-reviewed academic journal published online twice a year. Fafnir is a completely open-access, non-profit publication of the Finnish Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research (FINFAR). Fafnir publishes various texts ranging from peer-reviewed research articles to short overviews and book reviews in the field of science fiction and fantasy research. The submissions must be original works written in English, Finnish, or a…

The Issue 1/2022 of Fafnir is now out!

We are proud to present issue 1 of Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research in the year 2022! The issue can be read at Do remember that Fafnir welcomes submissions of research articles, short overviews, academic book reviews, essays, opinion pieces, and the like. Remember to also join Fafnir’s Facebook group at and follow us on Twitter at Best regards,Laura E. Goodin, Essi Varis, and Elizabeth Oakes, Editors-in-chiefDennis Wise, Reviews EditorFafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research e-mail:, email for reviews:

CFP: Fafnir 1/2023

Call for Papers: Fafnir 1/2023 Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research invites authors to submit papers for issue 1/2023. Research into any and all aspects of science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative genres is welcome from a range of disciplines. Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research is a peer-reviewed academic journal published online twice a year. Fafnir is a completely open-access, non-profit publication of the Finnish Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research (FINFAR). Fafnir publishes various texts ranging from peer-reviewed research articles to short overviews and book reviews in the field of science fiction and fantasy research. The submissions must be original works written in English, Finnish, or Scandinavian…

APPLY NOW: Editor-in-Chief and Reviews Editor for Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research

Two editorial positions are soon to be open in Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research: position of an editor-in-chief and position of the reviews editor. Both positions are open for a three-year term (2023‒2025) starting from next January. The journal currently has two other editors-in-chief, Essi Varis and Elizabeth Oakes, who will continue in their posts. Working in Fafnir offers an excellent vantage point to the field of speculative fiction research and an opportunity for international scholarly exchange. The positions do not involve financial compensation. About the Journal Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research is a World Fantasy Award winning, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary academic journal. The journal…