Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research 1/2020
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Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, Esko Suoranta, Laura E. Goodin, & Dennis Wise
Editorial 1/2020
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Cheryl Morgan
The Science-Fictional Janelle Monáe
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Priteegandha Naik
The Science-Fictionalisation of Globalisation and Image Advertising in Harvest by Manjula Padmanabhan
Abstract: This article examines the first Indian science-fictional play: Harvest (1998) by Manjula Padmanabhan. It suggests that this dystopic play renders globalisation and image advertisements as novums through new and imagined technologies, and points out that Indian SF has begun to engage with these novums and the associated media technologies, using Harvest as an example of how the novums are used to transform and build fictional worlds.
Keywords: Indian science fiction, novum, globalisation, advertisements
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Sarah R. MacKinnon
Seasteads and Aquapelagos: Introducing Nissology to Speculative-Fiction Studies
Abstract: Examining fictional seasteading through the lens of the “aquapelago” acts as a bridge between the fields of island studies and speculative-fiction studies. Island studies as an interdisciplinary field of scholarly inquiry has drawn attention to the complex interactions between the maritime, terrestrial, and human aspects of island societies, moving away from “land-biased” research. The “aquapelago” has been devised to better understand islands as assemblages that may wax, wane, and change over time. Examples of seasteading within speculative fiction reveal that such floating settlements are not necessarily aquapelagic societies; some are more representative of ocean-skimming cruise liners. Such fictive examples frequently represent seasteading as floating refuges borne of necessity in a dystopian world affected by environmental or societal catastrophe rather than as planned utopias.
Keywords: aquapelago, seasteading, utopia, climate change, island studies, speculative fiction
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Book Reviews
Tony M. Vinci
Book Review: Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture
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Sara Hays
Book Review: Conversations with Madeleine L’Engle
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James Hamby
Book Review: Excavating the Future: Archaeology and Geopolitics in Contemporary North American Science Fiction Film and Television
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Sarah M. Gawronski
Book Review: Space Sirens, Scientists, and Princesses: The Portrayal of Women in Science Fiction Cinema
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A. J. Drenda
Book Review: Magic, Monsters, and Make-Believe Heroes: How Myth and Religion Shape Fantasy Culture
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Amanda Dillon
Book Review: Once and Future Antiquities in Science Fiction and Fantasy
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Dennis Wilson Wise
Book Review: The Shape of Fantasy: Investigating the Structure of American Heroic Epic Fantasy
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Call for Papers: Fafnir 1/2021
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